Know what you eat

I wonder how the life has changed for the Asians, especially Indians in last 30 years., the way we produce food, the we way we process and habits of consumption. 

In the race of learning English language and adopting to Western culture of comforts, we literally lost our focus on Health & Habits. We shifted from Quality to Quantity. Our food used to be produced with All five elements and used to consume with all five senses, which has got lost in the race of number game. 

After having achieved the targeted numbers and look back to see ourselves, I only see that we have left behind the purity of mother earth and Our Health. Many complain that our physical exercise rate has come down with technology advancements, but at the same time the body has lost the strength to meet the expectations. The recent COVID is the primary example. The people in the village backdrops are the lowest to be affected inspite of their daily activity went on as usual while their counterparts in cities have stayed at home with lockdown.

It thus brings back to know the difference - What we Eat and How we Process? The process is not just about deshelling the grains, it goes on with the method of deshelling the husk, storing, cooking, preserving, cooking vessels, etc. The urbanites and the later generations lost the touch of science of food which has been passed on through the generations in the form of practices. 

Our methods of food from seed to mouth, helped in maintaining the strongest armies and richest Kingdoms till the British-colonial rule. They not only took way our wealth but destroyed our culture.   

Its time to use the technology advancements, media, channels to circulate our Practices & culture around food eco-system.


Cow & Farmer



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